White keys on a piano.pdf
One octave.pdf
Pattern explanation.pdf
Piano fingering.pdf
Easy songs for kids
This method is something I came up with about twelve years ago when I started working with younger kids, but it's such a natural way of making sheet music easier so obviously I'm not the only one who has thought of this. The idea is simply to cut out the letters from "White keys on a piano" and put them on your piano/keyboard (I recommend using transparent scotch tape), which along with the SM+ and E papers makes it possible for kids to learn songs on their own without knowing how to read sheet music. I may add a new song a little now and then, but it's not something I plan to focus on. If someone else wishes to follow up on this, then feel free to use this method and layout for transcribing songs for kids, however please don't take credit for any of my ideas or arrangments.
SM is sheet music
without letters below and SM+ is sheet music with. E is without sheet music and with big letters only. For children 6-10 years which I work with, I usually laminate one side with SM+ and the other with E. The youngest often prefer E since it's less complicated and easier on the eyes. Just click on the icon and the paper pops up in a new window ready to be printed, just check that your printer is properly set up so you get a fullscreen print. If you don't have a program to open .pdf files, go to "Songpapers" and follow the link for a safe Acrobat Reader download. Ps. a few of the songs are Swedish if you're wondering, but others are just translations from english songs.
Song |
SM |
SM+ |
E |
Blinka Lilla Stjarna (Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star) |
Ba, Ba, Vita Lamm |
Du Gamla, Du Fria |
Feet (Hand 1) |
Feet (Hand 2) |
Fur Elise |
Imse Vimse Spindel (Itsy Bitsy Spider) |
Ja Ma Hon Leva |
Lille katt |
Mary Har Ett Litet Lamm (Mary Had A Little Lamb) |
Morning Song |
Manaderna (Beethoven - Symphony No. 9) |
My Heart Will Go On (Titanic) |
Popcorn |
Crazy Frog (Axel F) |
Kalle Johansson |
Glassbilen |
Krokodilen i bilen |
Idas sommarvisa |
Bjornen sover |
Per Olssons Bonnagard (Old MacDonald had a farm) |
Hjulen Pa Bussen (The Wheels On The Bus) |